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About us

Uhrinstinkt is a brand of the Prestige Luxusuhren GmbH. It was established by Mario Bößl and Maximilian Schmidt in 2007. To this day, both of them are sole shareholders and managing directors of the company.

2007 - Establishment of the brand Uhrinstinkt. Start of the online shop under the Mario Bößl & Maximilian Schmidt Luxury GbR

2016 - Transformation of the GbR into the Prestige Luxusuhren OHG

2017 - Transformation of the OHG into the Prestige Luxusuhren GmbH

Uhrinstinkt is one of the first German online shops for luxury timepieces. Since the foundation, the maxim has remained unchanged: Buying luxury timepieces online at favorable prices. It is clear, however, that there are no cutbacks when it comes to service, advice and security when buying watches.

Our competent customer service shares the passion for timepieces with our customers.

Do you have any further questions?

You can contact our support team Mo.-Fr. from 9am to 4pm.
Hotline: +49 9122 999900-7
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