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Trade terms

Table of contents of the GTC

§ 1 Identity of the contracting party
§ 2 Order and contract signing
§ 3 Storage of the contract text
§ 4 Delivery area and clientele
§ 5 Prices and limited offers
§ 6 Payment
§ 7 Delivery times
§ 8 Warranty and guarantee
§ 9 Place of jurisdiction
§ 10 Address/Imprint

§ 1 Identity of the contracting party

The contractual party for all orders is Prestige Luxusuhren GmbH (see end of the GTC for address for service).

§ 2 Order and contract signing

(1) You order in our store by

  • adding items to the shopping cart,
  • entering your billing address and, if applicable, a different shipping address,
  • checking your entries on the control page (especially billing and shipping address, product, price, quantity), as well as entering your payment data. Here you can also correct your entries by clicking on "change".
  • completing your order by clicking on "Order with obligation to pay".

(2) After placing your order, you will receive an e-mail confirming that we have received your order and listing the details (confirmation of receipt). The purchase contract is not yet concluded. It is only confirmed that we have received your order. The purchase contract is concluded when we accept your order by sending you an e-mail notifying you that the item has been shipped to you.

(3) Contracts on our website are only concluded in German.

§ 3 Storage of the contract text

Your order will be stored with us. Please print out the confirmation of receipt for your records after completing the order process.

§ 4 Delivery area and clientele

Orders and deliveries are generally only possible within the EU. If you wish a delivery to a third country, we usually allow this as well. For this purpose, please call +49 9122 999900-0 - available Mo. - Fr., 9am - 4pm.

§ 5 Prices and limited offers

(1) All prices are end user prices, include the VAT and do not include shipping costs (see It applies the price at the time of the order.

(2) Please note that offers in our online store may be limited in time. Details can be found in the respective product description. Despite careful stocking, it may happen that a promotional item is sold out faster than expected. We therefore give no delivery guarantee. The following applies: Only while stocks last.

(3) For customers outside the EU: Please note that customs duties may be charged for shipping, which will be added to the final price of your order.

§ 6 Payment

We offer the following payment methods (for details (e.g. date of debit) see :

      • credit card (MasterCard, VISA, American Express),
      • PayPal,
      • Prepayment (bank transfer),
      • cash on collection from our office,
      • easyCredit Installment Purchase (see "Supplementary General Terms and Conditions for Installment Purchase by easyCredit" following these GTC).

§ 7 Delivery times

Unless otherwise agreed or otherwise stated on the item, we deliver within 10 working days after receiving your order. If the delivery time can not be met, we will inform you as soon as possible via e-mail.

§ 8 Warranty and guarantee

(1) The statutory provisions shall apply. The limitation period for statutory claims for defects is 2 years.

(2) If special warranties apply to products, your statutory claims for defects shall remain unaffected. The contact person for the respective guarantee is named in the guarantee provisions enclosed with the ordered product. If you do not have these provisions at hand or if it is not a technical item, please contact our customer service.

(3) If delivered items show obvious material or manufacturing defects or transport damage, please report such defects immediately to us or to the carrier delivering the items. There is no obligation on the part of the customer to do so, nor is this a requirement for the assertion of your claims. However, we cannot otherwise assert any claims against the carrier. Compliance with the above provision shall not affect your statutory claims, insofar as you have ordered for private purposes as a customer.

§ 9 Place of jurisdiction

(1) The place of fulfillment and jurisdiction for both parties to the contract shall be - insofar as the customer is a trader - the registered office of our company, including in the bill of exchange and check process.

(2) In transactions with end consumers within the European Union, the law of the end consumer's place of residence may also be applicable, provided that the provisions of consumer law are mandatory. If a private end consumer has no place of residence within the European Union, our place of business shall be the place of jurisdiction.

§ 10 Address/Imprint

Prestige Luxusuhren GmbH
Wendelsteiner Str. 6
91126 Schwabach

Managing directors: Mario Bößl, Maximilian Schmidt
Commercial register: AG Nürnberg, HRB 34130
USt-IdNr.: DE312151647

Phone: +49 9122 999900-0
Fax: +49 9122 999900-9

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