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Battery act

Taking back used (rechargeable) batteries

Our obligation as a retailer to take back batteries:

We are legally obliged to take back (rechargeable) batteries purchased from us free of charge. Please accept this offer and help to keep our environment clean.

Your return obligation as a customer:

(Rechargeable) batteries do not belong in the household waste. Since 1998, the Battery Act obliges all citizens to dispose of used (rechargeable) batteries exclusively via the retailer or the collection points set up specifically for this purpose. If you wish to return your (rechargeable) batteries to us, please ensure that the shipment is sufficiently stamped.

= Battery must not be disposed in household waste

Pb = Battery contains more than 0,004 mass percent lead
Cd = Battery contains more than 0,002 mass percent cadmium
Hg = Battery contains more than 0,0005 mass percent mercury

Old electronic devices do not belong in the household waste

Since March 24, 2006, old electronic devices may not be disposed of in household waste. The regulation applies to all electronic and electrical devices, from electric toothbrushes to home tanning beds, from washing machines to digital cameras, no matter how old. Illuminants, fluorescent tubes and energy-saving lamps are also included.

The devices are taken back free of charge by cities and municipalities. They take them back at collection points or even offer to pick them up. As a rule, existing collection systems (e.g. recycling centers, bulky waste collection) are used.

Do you have any further questions?

You can contact our support team Mo.-Fr. from 10am to 4pm.
Hotline: +49 9122 999900-7
Contact form

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