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Sevenfriday S3 Engine
Retail: €1,430.00
Your cost: €850.00

Sevenfriday – Show me, don’t tell me!

These are the guide words of Sevenfriday, a young label from Switzerland. A fresh, modern design shows that there is always something new to discover – even in watchmaking art. At first glance, the artful pieces make clear what kind of style matters to the brand.

The industrial look is supported by small details, which should remind of rotors, machines and tachometers. And, although the label only exists since 2012, it is well on the way to become an insiders' tip. The tremendous striking look of the luxury timepieces is directed to everyone who likes exceptional designs and still doesn’t want to miss perfect technique. Although angular cases are nothing new in the world of watches - in this combination, wristwatches by Sevenfriday are an eye-catcher for sure.

Angular but not rough - watches full of extravagance

The fancy timepieces by Sevenfriday are available in different colours, which however do not distract attention from the design, but even draw attention to it. Sevenfriday calls its cases "boxes" - quite rightly - after all you almost get the impression to look into a box full of fascinating technique. True to their motto –show me, don’t tell me – the inside of the watches is namely plainly visible in parts. The shape of the hands also highlights the whole composition. For producing their stylish timepieces, the company uses material as steel, leather, PCV and sapphire glass.

Explore Sevenfriday luxury timepieces at uhrinstinkt

High-quality luxury timepieces like the models by Sevenfriday should not be missed in our wide assortment – those wristwatches not only score with their design but also with the premium workmanship. You will find an extensive range of watches by this young label. Just browse through our shop an find your favourite watch. You determine how to pay, we accept all common payment options. Even cash and carry is possible.

We are proud to offer a good service – don't hesitate to contact our support in case of questions or suggestions. Our team is happy to assist you by phone or mail.

These are the guide words of Sevenfriday, a young label from Switzerland. A fresh, modern design shows that there is always something new to discover – even in watchmaking art. At first glance,... read more »
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Sevenfriday – Show me, don’t tell me!

These are the guide words of Sevenfriday, a young label from Switzerland. A fresh, modern design shows that there is always something new to discover – even in watchmaking art. At first glance, the artful pieces make clear what kind of style matters to the brand.

The industrial look is supported by small details, which should remind of rotors, machines and tachometers. And, although the label only exists since 2012, it is well on the way to become an insiders' tip. The tremendous striking look of the luxury timepieces is directed to everyone who likes exceptional designs and still doesn’t want to miss perfect technique. Although angular cases are nothing new in the world of watches - in this combination, wristwatches by Sevenfriday are an eye-catcher for sure.

Angular but not rough - watches full of extravagance

The fancy timepieces by Sevenfriday are available in different colours, which however do not distract attention from the design, but even draw attention to it. Sevenfriday calls its cases "boxes" - quite rightly - after all you almost get the impression to look into a box full of fascinating technique. True to their motto –show me, don’t tell me – the inside of the watches is namely plainly visible in parts. The shape of the hands also highlights the whole composition. For producing their stylish timepieces, the company uses material as steel, leather, PCV and sapphire glass.

Explore Sevenfriday luxury timepieces at uhrinstinkt

High-quality luxury timepieces like the models by Sevenfriday should not be missed in our wide assortment – those wristwatches not only score with their design but also with the premium workmanship. You will find an extensive range of watches by this young label. Just browse through our shop an find your favourite watch. You determine how to pay, we accept all common payment options. Even cash and carry is possible.

We are proud to offer a good service – don't hesitate to contact our support in case of questions or suggestions. Our team is happy to assist you by phone or mail.

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