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Bracelet adjustment

The adjustment of your metal watch strap is free of charge with Uhrinstinkt.

For the adjustment, we require:

  1. your hand wrist size
    We adjust the watch strap according to your hand wrist size and leave a little room for a pleasant wearing comfort.
  2. your desired size
    We adjust the watch strap according to the details about the total size and try to meet this specification as accurately as possible.

The adjustment of the watch strap does not affect your right of revocation.

If you need to adjust the length of the strap you just have to mention the size details as stated under 1. or 2. with your order in the comment box.

This adjustment is common service work. If you choose not to use our adjustment service you can also contact your local watchmaker, who can adjust the watch strap for a service fee.

Do you have any further questions?

You can contact our support team Mo.-Fr. from 10am to 4pm.
Hotline: +49 9122 999900-7
Contact form

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