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We appreciate the value of your watch and know how important security is to our customers when buying a luxury watch. That's why every customer receives a 24-month warranty on new watches, and a 12-month warranty on Certified Pre-Owned watches, regardless of the manufacturer's warranty. If your watch stops working flawlessly through no fault of your own, you will receive a free repair within this time.

Manufacturer's warranty

If you still have a remaining manufacturer's warranty, you can send the watch in for repair both through a local authorized dealer and through us. You may incur shipping costs if you do not send the watch through us.

Uhrinstinkt warranty service

If your watch is covered by the Uhrinstinkt warranty, we will repair your watch free of charge and of course cover the shipping costs. Please note that you can only redeem the Uhrinstinkt warranty with us.

Uhrinstinkt warranty terms

As a buyer, you will receive a 24-month warranty on new watches and a 12-month warranty on Certified Pre-Owned watches exclusively through our store. The warranty starts from the date of invoice. It is not transferable. The warranty applies only to mechanical defects or manufacturing defects.

The Uhrinstinkt warranty is subject to the same warranty conditions as the standard manufacturer's warranty of the respective brand. The standard manufacturer's warranty does not cover theft or loss of the watch. It also does not cover normal wear and tear or damage caused by accidents or improper handling. Water damage resulting from use of the watch contrary to the manufacturer's instructions is also not covered. Wear and tear of the watch band is excluded from the warranty. Any addition or replacement of components not provided by the manufacturer will also void the warranty.

The warranty is in addition to and does not replace your statutory warranty rights.

Please note that a watch shipped to us is only insured if you use our return portal or receive the shipping label directly from us.

Do you have any further questions?

You can contact our support team Mo.-Fr. from 10am to 4pm.
Hotline: +49 9122 999900-7
Contact form

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