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As an online business we do not have a physical store. However, we are delighted to be able to offer our customers self-collection of their order in our office rooms.

For safety reasons, our warehouse is not located on-site so that we require a lead time of one working day in order to have a storing timepiece on the premises. Timepieces with delivery time are normally available on our premises in the time stated on the article page. On-site collection is only possible upon prior date arrangement.

You can easily select "collection" when ordering on Uhrinstinkt. We will contact you as soon as your order is ready for collection in order to arrange an appointment.

If required, we explain the functions of the timepiece to you and on demand we adjust the watch strap directly on-site free of charge.

Do you have any further questions?

You can contact our support team Mo.-Fr. from 10am to 4pm.
Hotline: +49 9122 999900-7
Contact form

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