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Swiss Kubik ABS red

Swiss Kubik ABS red

  • 70027/38
  • PL109031

The Swiss-made Kubik watch winder is made to the highest specification. The specially-made Swiss "Portescap" motor, powered by two alkaline batteries, can keep your watch going for up to five years. Made using materials such as aluminium, leather or solid wood this watch winder is a product of the highest quality. Its handy size and low energy consumption make it ideal for use in a safe.

  • Watch winder for one automatic watch
  • Standard interval: alternating rotation of 950 turns per day
  • Made in Switzerland
  • LED battery condition indicator
  • Battery operated (batteries not supplied - Battery lifetime approximately approx. three to five years)
  • Version: ABS plastic red
  • Dimensions (wxhxd): 11.2 x 11.2 x 11.2 cm
  • Weight: 1 kg

Using a USB connector and the optional software (available from the Swiss Kubik website) each watch can be programmed with its own optimised rotation cycle.

Depicted watches are not included in the delivery

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